Thursday, September 6, 2007

Today - Everything Else is Trivial

This morning, two minutes before the alarm was to go off, I woke up. Turned the alarm off (no need to hear THAT) and turned on the 5:00am news. The first story I heard was was killed last evening on his motorcycle in the Village of Camillus. This man is someone I work(ed) with. A person I went to often to ask questions, validate my interpretation of a network system situation. He was patient, he took time to explain things. He was so knowledgeable. A kind, gentleman with a sense of humor. He was 30 years old.

The accident was literally in my backyard. I hear the emergency sounds all the time to the point that I probably don't hear all of them. This one I remembered. This one I heard the sound before the actual "scream" from the fire station that someone needed help. I remember last night thinking "this one is awfully close." and "I've heard the crew working for a while." Why did I notice this one?

Words cannot describe the loss, the sadness the disbelief my fellow colleagues and I feel today. I do not know his wife. How sad I will meet her at the calling hours.


more cows than people said...


i'm so sorry.

Jan said...

This is so sad. I am sorry, too.