Friday, February 16, 2007

It's All About Me

If only. It's never about one person. Everything we do affects those around us, whether it's good, bad or indifferent. I truly strive to keep everyone happy around me, without forgetting about myself. 'Cause if mama isn't happy - nobody is. It's hard sometimes to find a corner where I can just unwind from a day at work, taking care of a home, my husband (who really does try), 2 grown/married children, one in college, 3 cats and 2 dogs who all look to me as the safety zone. Over the past 2 decades I've built the "zone" and I'm proud of it.

I have 3 sisters, one brother and their families and my mom;
two sister-in-laws, their husbands and grown children and living with us, my mother-in-law. Some live close by and a few do not.. My dad died 7 years ago in May and I miss him terribly;

I LOVE to cook. I play bunko and started a bookclub so I still have time with friends. I take classes at the university where I work - not every semester, there is a limit. Stop learning, you might as well die. This blog is another thing I'm doing for myself but like I said in the beginning, it's never about one person. I hope this can be YOUR "Safety Zone"

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