Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Best Line From Mother's Day

5 year old Josh and 7 year old Ben fooling around on the sofa.

Josh: MOM, Ben hit me with his fist in my eye.
Ben: Mom, my fist was accidently moving.

Nancy (Patrick's mom) and I were playing with a spring-loaded car on the table. Ben was told earlier not to play with it on the table. Nancy releases car, car looses control, I go to grab it, knock over my wine glass, shatter, wine everywhere. "See, Ben, this is why your mom said not to play with the car on the table." Me pointing at Nancy and looking at Wendy - "She started it." A good day was had by all.


Anonymous said...

That is too funny!

C's Mom said...

Just stopping by to say thanks for visiting my place.

I have to say that profile pic sums up my life quite well ;0)